2025 International Creative Papers Conference & Olympic

The International Creative Papers Conference (ICPC) is an academic event where researchers from around the world present their innovative research. This conference provides a platform for students and professionals to present creative and outstanding papers, whether they are invention papers, academic papers, or other forms of research. The main objective of ICPC is to facilitate the exchange and presentation of exceptional papers from leading global scholars who play a pivotal role in science, technology, and the knowledge economy.
ICPC aims to lead the convergence of science, technology, and economic activities with ESG principles by promoting the presentation of creative and independent research and learning papers. This international conference, which involves participation from over 20 countries, is a significant academic event co-hosted by WIIPA (World Invention Intellectual Property Associations), the CU Media group, the Korea University Invention Association, and various universities and academic societies both domestically and internationally.
Additionally, the presented papers will be published and registered in an ISSN (International Standard Serial Number) journal, thereby contributing to the academic achievements of the participants.
ICPC(International Creative Papers Conference)는 국내외 연구자들이 창의적인 연구물을 발표하는 학술대회입니다. 이 대회는 학생 및 기업인들이 단독 또는 공동으로 연구한 창의적이고 우수한 논문(발명 논문, 학술 논문 등)을 발표하는 자리로, 과학기술과 지식경제의 중추적 역할을 수행할 세계 석학들의 뛰어난 논문을 발표하고 교류하는 것을 목적으로 하고 있습니다.
ICPC는 창의적이고 자율적인 연구와 학습 논문을 발표하여, 세계 과학기술과 경제활동의 ESG 융합 컨퍼런스를 이끌어 가고자 합니다. 이 국제대회는 세계 20여 개국이 참가하며 WIIPA 세계창의지식재산총연맹, 한국브레인협력단, 한국대학발명협회, 그리고 국내외 대학과 학회가 공동으로 개최하는 중요한 국제학술행사입니다.
또한, 발표된 자료는 ISSN(International Standard Serial Number) 국제표준 간행물에 발간하여 연구 실적을 부여합니다.
Academic Schedule
Announcement Contest
Application Deadline
Preliminary Review
Paper Presentation
October 7, 2024 (Mon)
December 20, 2024 (Fri)
December 23-27, 2024 (Mon-Fri)
January 17, 2025 (Fri)
AM : 09:30 ~ 12:00
PM : 12:00 ~ 17:00
January 18, 2025 (Sat)
10:00 ~ 12:00
12:00 ~ 13:00
13:00 ~ 15:00
Seoul National University of Education (TBD)
Award Ceremony
Eligibility to
○ Student Dept. (Invention paper) / General Dept.(Adults)
* Local and foreign students, leaders(authors of thesis etc.)
* Local and foreign professors and student (researchers)
○ Application : By E-mail
- Lee37895661@gmail.com (Please attach the thesis)
○ How to download the application form
- Download from www.wicokorea.com > ICPC
www.invent21.com > Domestic exhibition > ICPC
○ Do not write over 5 pages (You can include the photos).
○ Presentation time within 10 minutes (Power point or poster)
– within 5 minute of Q&A by each committee